09 Jul 2014

Diann Platt

I wish to relay the good experience I have had with two members of your staff.
I own a home at Karalee.

A sales person by the name of Diann Platt from your office came to my house three months ago to appraise it, in view of listing it for sale. She was fantastic, she knew the area, she knew how to sell and I was so impressed with her natural ability to understand real estate. Although the price she stated was right on the money, I decided to hold back and wait 12 months until the market picks up.

Meanwhile, I decided to rent the home instead of selling it. I  contacted your office to discuss renting my home due to the positive experience I had with your Sales Consultant. 

Only to be met by another person of the same quality, who is known to me as Lynne Gehrke. A super professional lady who was eager, motivated and most of all she was dedicated. I have telephoned several agents looking at fee's, but it was Lynne's dedication and motivation that has truly won me over.  

Although I found your fee's higher in some instances, I see value for money through Lynne. It's not every day you get someone that is unique as her, she's easy to deal with, I found her fair, reasonable and truthful.  

Kind regards
